Raptor introduces industry's first enterprise firewall security solution for Windows NT

Eagle NT firewall addresses critical need for security, as Windows NT's widescale acceptance as a mission-critical Internet platform grows.

WALTHAM, Mass., January 15, 1996
Raptor Systems today unveiled Eagle NT, the industry's first enterprise network security firewall for Microsoft's Windows NT. Eagle NT offers companies a proven, scalable security solution to maximize data communications across the entire enterprise from the Internet and workgroup LANs to remote offices and mobile PCs to ensure wherever information travels, it is secure.

Raptor's entire suite of Eagle firewall products will be available for Windows NT, enabling companies for the first time to take advantage of NT's ease of use, low cost of ownership and multiplatform support without compromising data as it travels across the Internet and private networks.

As Windows NT's popularity continues to grow in the MIS community as an Internet and enterprise network server, the Eagle NT family of security software eliminates a key barrier for a new class of users who are looking to NT as a mission-critical enterprise network platform. For Fortune 1000 and small to medium-sized companies using Windows NT, Eagle NT offers a comprehensive security solution that until now has only been available for UNIX customers.

"There is a large installed base of Windows users who don't have the expertise or desire to master the intricacies of UNIX", said Stephen Franco, program manager for interactive commerce research at The Yankee Group. "Eagle NT will offer these users the same robust, enterprise-wide security solutions that have been available to the UNIX market from a well-respected, proven security vendor."

Over the past year, Windows NT sales have increased dramatically, and forecasts suggest the volume of NTsales is expected to increase at a more rapid pace. According to International Data Corporation, NT sales made up 13.3 percent of total server sales during the first half of 1995, compared to less than 5 percent in 1994.

Raptor's Eagle suite for Windows NT
Raptor's Eagle suite of security products is the industry's first real-time, application- level firewall solution for Windows NT, offering advanced features such as access control, strong authentication, industry-standard encryption, real-time Suspicious Activity Monitor (SAM) and extensive detection, alarm and reporting capabilities. With Eagle NT, an enterprise's network security policy can be created, monitored and maintained from a single workstation.

Raptor's modular, enterprise approach for small, medium and large sites is configurable to fit many network situations. For example, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution, a beta site for Raptor's Windows NT-based Eagle, relies on the Internet to share information with collaborators, as well as to communicate its research findings with clients, including pharmaceutical companies and government agencies. Because the confidentiality of its research is critical, the company must ensure that the information travelling across the local network is protected.

"As a small, non-profit organization with limited information systems resources, we needed an easy-to-maintain yet powerful network security solution to accommodate our Windows-based PC network," said Rob Ruhge, computer services manager at Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution. "With Eagle on Windows NT, we can integrate it into our operations very easily. It doesn't require a lot of resources to manage and we're confident our data communications are secure."

Raptor's Eagle NT products are based on its Five Domains of Network Security, a comprehensive approach to security that offers the flexibility to add and enhance security within the enterprise as business needs change. Eagle NT offers users Internet security (Domain 1). In addition, Raptor is developing EagleLAN NT and EagleDesk NT (Domain 2) to provide workgroup and LAN security, EagleMobile NT to secure nomadic PCs (Domain 3) and EagleRemote NT (Domain 4) to protect communications between remote offices and corporate headquarters. (Refer to the section below for availability of the suite of products.)

VPN for Windows NT
Raptor's virtual private networking (VPN) technology offers the accessibility and security of a private leased T1 line at a fraction of the cost. VPN sets up encrypted tunnels through the Internet or corporate networks through which data can travel securely. VPN is an integral part of Domain 5 for centralized management, configuration and monitoring between all locations. VPN for Windows NT will be announced in Q1, with delivery expected in Q2. It will be offered as an add-on product to Eagle NT.

"The combination of Eagle's comprehensive security approach with the powerful processing environment of Windows NT offers customers a valuable tool for maximizing the business opportunities of information access," said Robert Steinkrauss, president and chief executive officer of Raptor Systems. "Eagle NT addresses a critical, unmet need of the marketplace today, offering customers for whom UNIX is not an option a complete, flexible and proven security solution."

Availability and Pricing
Raptor's Eagle NT for Internet security is available, and shipping now, with the following North American list pricing:

Number of Users Eagle NT
50 $6,500
200 $11,000
Unlimited $15,000

Note:The above prices do not include VPN.

Raptor expects that EagleLAN NT, EagleDesk NT, EagleRemote NT and EagleMobile NT will be available in Q2 1996, along with the company's core VPN technology.

"Raptor's Eagle UNIX suite provides a very high level of protection for Internet connections, regardless of whether users are internal employees connected to workgroup LANs or third-party vendors tapping into corporate networks via laptop PCs," said Bruce Murphy, director of information technology security services at Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P.

Eagle NT will offer our Windows-based customers a similar flexible, proven security solution across the entire enterprise that UNIX users are benefitting from today using Raptor's Eagle family of firewall products.

Founded in 1992, Raptor Systems is a leader in integrated firewall security management software and services. Based on an application-level firewall architecture, the Eagle family comprises a suite of modular software components that provide real-time network security for Internet, workgroup, mobile computing and remote office domains within the enterprise. The Eagle family, when used individually or as part of an integrated network security management system, addresses the need for network security in large and small companies. Eagle NT runs on Windows NT Server and Workstation. Raptor's UNIX version of Eagle runs on Sun Microsystems, Hewlett-Packard and IBM workstations.

Raptor's products protect corporate databases and networks in government, pharmaceutical, utility, telecommunications, technology, manufacturing and financial services sites worldwide. Product and security information can be accessed via Raptor's World Wide Web site at ://www.raptor.com.

EagleLAN, EagleDesk, EagleRemote and EagleMobile are trademarks of Raptor Systems, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States licensed exclusively through X/Open Company, Ltd. Windows and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.